Good Guy Greg

Hangs up cell phone Before entering grocery check-out line

Hangs up cell phone Before entering grocery check-out line  Good Guy Greg

ex-girlfriend texts you while drunk steals phone and deletes it before you do something stupid

ex-girlfriend texts you while drunk steals phone and deletes it before you do something stupid    Good Guy Greg

gets drunk says nice things about everyone at the party

gets drunk says nice things about everyone at the party  Good Guy Greg

makes eye contact with ugly girls and smiles to improve their self-confidence

makes eye contact with ugly girls and smiles to improve their self-confidence  Good Guy Greg

Takes really good notes emails them to the entire class

Takes really good notes  emails them to the entire class  Good Guy Greg

Tapes the Superbowl With the express written consent of the National Football League

Tapes the Superbowl With the express written consent of the National Football League  Good Guy Greg

Asks to see your phone Then shoves you in pool

Asks to see your phone Then shoves you in pool  Good Guy Greg

Friend Zoned Appreciates the friendship

Friend Zoned Appreciates the friendship  Good Guy Greg

Gets a new car Doesn't make it his profile picture

Gets a new car Doesn't make it his profile picture   Good Guy Greg

sees you at the gym doesn't stop and talk to you for 10 minutes about gym stuff

sees you at the gym doesn't stop and talk to you for 10 minutes about gym stuff  Good Guy Greg