Tech Impaired Duck

"congratulations you won $1,000,000" clicks

Posts link as title

Posts link as title  Tech Impaired Duck

Has netbook Uses Internet explorer with four toolbars

Has netbook Uses Internet explorer with four toolbars  Tech Impaired Duck

Sees someone using dual monitors "Woah you have two computers?"

Sees someone using dual monitors

using Google Chrome search for google

using Google Chrome search for google  Tech Impaired Duck

Wants to upvote Double Click Doesn't know HOW TO DELETE OLD CAPTION

Wants to upvote Double Click Doesn't know  HOW TO DELETE OLD CAPTION  Tech Impaired Duck

Son, can you help me with these captions i can't get them to fit

Son, can you help me with these captions i can't get them to fit  Tech Impaired Duck



Puts punchline in top text wants to make an advice animal

Puts punchline in top text wants to make an advice animal  Tech Impaired Duck

uses "password" for every password
